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Parted Magic 2016.03.02
11.04.2016, 23:38

Parted Magic — готовое решение для работы с разделами жесткого диска на базе загрузочного LiveCD. В состав входит пакет утилит с помощью которых можно управлять разделами, кроме этого производить настройку установленной системы, работать с сетью интернет, а также производить любые операции с данными (удаление, восстановление, перенос и прочее).

Это одно из лучших решений для управления разделами в среде Linux, основанное на исходных кодах GParted, но имеет несколько отличий в лучшую сторону. Так в нем присутствуют дополнительные возможности, такие как управление метками, а также безопасное удаление данных (подробнее). Доступны третьи компоненты, которые позволяют полноценно работать с файловыми системами операционных систем семейства Windows.

Parted Magic 2016.03.02

Дистрибутив основан на ядре Linux, а также компонентах Parted, ntfsprogs и ntfs-3g. Кроме того, используется Busybox для управления системами Unix, клиент-сервер Dropbear SSH, а также браузер Firefox. Графический сервер xorg поддерживает большинство современных и не очень видеокарт, что позволяет работать практически на любых системах.

• Форматирование внутренних и внешних жестких дисков.
• Перемещение, копирование, создание, удаление, расширение и сокращение разделов на жестком диске.
• Клонирование жестких дисков, чтобы создать полную резервную копию.
• Проверка жестких дисков и их диагностика.
• Проверка памяти на наличие поврежденных секторов.
• Benchmark вашего компьютер для оценки его уровня работы.
• Удаление всех данных на жестком диске, без возможности их восстановления.
• Дает доступ к жесткому диску при не загрузающихся системах, позволяет спасать важные данные.
• Загружается с CD/USB в память, далее может работать без CD/USB.
• Поддерживает сетевые подключения.

Parted Magic 2016.03.02

Список программ:

Partition programs
• cfdisk — curses-based disk partition table manipulator
• fdisk — partition table manipulator
• fixparts — designed to correct common problems with computer partition tables
• gdisk — text-mode partitioning tool that works on GPT disks
• gpart — guess PC-type hard disk partitions
• GParted — partition editor that uses libparted
• parted — partition manipulation program
• sfdisk — partition table manipulator

File System Programs
• btrfs — btrfs is a new copy on write file system for Linux
• Bonnie + + — benchmark suite aimed at performing a number of simple tests
• curlftpfs — file system for accessing FTP hosts based on FUSE and libcurl
• dbench — file system benchmark programs
• diskdev_cmds — OSX-ported, HFS + programs supplying mkfs and fsck
• dosfstools — programs to create and check MS-DOS FAT file systems
• e2fsprogs — ext2 file system programs and libraries
• EncFS — provides an encrypted file system in user space
• fsarchiver — save contents of a file system to a compressed archive file
• FUSE — file system in userspace
• hfsplus — set of tools to access HFS + file systems
• IOzone — file system benchmark tool
• ntfs-3g/ntfsprogs — third generation NTFS driver and tools for doing neat things with NTFS
• ObexFS — FUSE based filesystem using ObexFTP
• reiserfsprogs — user-level tools for ReiserFS file systems
• sshfs — file system client based on SSH
• vmfs-tools — access VMFS through standard Linux VFS via FUSE
• xfsprogs — programs for managing XFS file systems
• zfs-fuse — a port of the ZFS file system from Sun

Booting Loader Programs
• grub — GRand Unified Bootloader
• HDT (Hardware Detection Tool) — Syslinux com32 hardware analyzer module
• install-mbr — installs and configures a Master Boot Record manager
• lilo — LInux LOader
• Memtest86 + — advanced memory diagnostic tool
• ms-sys — used to create Microsoft-compatible boot records
• syslinux — bootloaders for FAT12/16/32, bootable "El Torito" (iso9660), ext2/3/4 and brtfs file systems

X Programs
• Audacious — Audacious is an open source audio player
• Asunder — Asunder is a graphical Audio CD ripper and encoder
• arandr — designed to provide a simple visual front end for XRandR
• Blueman Device Manager — Blueman is a GTK + Bluetooth Manager
• ClamTk Virus Scanner — A GUI front-end for ClamAV
• Conky — lightweight system monitor
• CUPS — CUPS is the standards-based, open source printing system
• ddrescue-gui — A python script to make it easier to use ddrescue
• Evince Document Viewer — Evince is a document viewer for multiple document formats
• feh — an X11 image viewer aimed mostly at console users
• File Roller — archive manager
• Firefox — open source web browser
• galculator — GTK + scientific calculator
• GEncFS — GUI to EncFS, for encrypted directory mounting
• gtkdialog — small utility for fast and easy GUI building
• gtk-lshw — GTK + front-end for lshw
• GSmartControl — HDD health inspection tool (GUI for smartctl)
• GSSHFS — GUI to SSHFS, for distant directory over SSH mounting
• hardinfo — system profiler and benchmark
• ISO Master — GUI CD image editor
• Leafpad — GTK + based simple text editor
• lilosetup — a GUI utility to configure LILO bootloader
• Mirage Image Viewer — Mirage is a fast and simple GTK + image viewer
• netwag — a graphical front-end to netwox
• NetworkManager — Great Networking powered by DBUS
• Parcellite — Parcellite is a lightweight GTK + clipboard manager
• pyneighborhood — an OpenSource GTK + based SMB / CIFS Browsing utility
• ROX-Filer — a simple and easy to use graphical file manager for X11
• ROXTerm — ROXTerm is a terminal emulator intended to provide similar features to gnome-terminal, based on the same VTE library
• SciTE — A free source code editor for Win32 and X
• spacefm — a file manager with built-in VFS, udev-based device manager, customizable menu system, and bash integration
• systester — Test your system's stability and performance by calculating millions of digits of Pi
• TigerVNC Viewer — a high-performance, platform-neutral implementation of VNC
• TrueCrypt — software system for on-the-fly-encrypted volumes
• UNetbootin — create bootable, Live USB drives for Linux distros without burning a CD
• WICD — A network connection manager that aims to simplify wired and wireless networking in Linux
• XChat — IRC chat program
• xclamscan — GUI for the ClamAV anti-virus
• Xdialog — designed to be a drop in replacement for the "dialog" or "cdialog" programs
• xfburn — Xfburn is a simple CD / DVD burning tool based on libburnia libraries
• Yad — (yet another dialog) is a fork of Zenity with many improvements
• Zenity — allows you to display GTK dialog boxes in commandline and shell scripts

Console Programs
• AlsaMixer — soundcard mixer for ALSA soundcard driver, with ncurses interface
• arpwatch — a tool for monitoring Address Resolution Protocol traffic on a computer network
• bar — a simple tool to copy a stream of data and print a display for the user
• BlueZ — official Linux Bluetooth protocol stack
• bzip2recover — recover data from damaged bz2 files
• cdrtools — allows recording to CD / DVD / BluRay media
• chntpw — utility to (re) set passwords of local accounts on Windows systems
• ClamAV — open source (GPL) anti-virus toolkit for UNIX
• Clonezilla — OpenSource clone system
• cmospwd — decrypts passwords stored in CMOS used to access BIOS setup
• consoleKit — ConsoleKit is a framework for defining and tracking users, login sessions, and seats
• cURL — tool for transferring files with URL syntax
• dcfldd — enhanced version of GNU dd
• dc3dd — patched version of GNU dd
• GNU dd — convert and copy a file
• ddrescue — does not abort on errors on the input file
• device-mapper — kernel component that supports LVM
• di (Disk Information Utility) — disk information programs
• diff — compares two files, showing differences line by line
• disktype — detect content format of disk or disk image
• dislocker — designed to read BitLocker encrypted partitions under Linux and Mac OSX systems
• dmidecode — reports information about your system's hardware
• dmraid — discover and activate software (ATA) RAID
• DRBL — Diskless Remote Boot in Linux
• dvd + rw-tools — makes it possible to burn DVD images
• ELinks — text mode web browser
• ethtool — standard Linux utility for controlling network drivers and hardware
• ext3grep — recover deleted files from an ext3 or ext4 file systems
• extundelete — tool to help recover deleted files on ext3 file systems
• file — determine file type
• flashrom — identify, read, write, verify, erase flash chips
• gptsync — GPT partition table to MBR partition table synchronisation
• hdparm — get / set ATA / SATA drive parameters
• hexedit — view and edit files in hexadecimal
• hfsprescue — scans a damaged image file or partition that is formatted with HFS +
• iptables — administration tool for IPv4 packet filtering and NAT
• lftp — command-line file transfer program
• lm-sensors — Linux hardware monitoring
• lshw — Hardware Lister
• lsof — (LiSt Open Files) displays information about files open to processes
• lspci — lists PCI buses and devices in the system
• lsscsi — lists information about SCSI devices
• lsusb — lists USB devices
• lzip — gzip-like command line tool which uses LZMA compression
• md5deep — a set of programs to compute MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, Tiger, or Whirlpool message digests on an arbitrary number of files
• mdadm — manage MD devices, aka Linux Software Raid
• Midnight Commander — file manager
• modem-manager — D-Bus service for managing modems
• multipath-tools — used to drive the Device Mapper multipathing driver
• nano — editor aimed to replace Pico
• nbd — network block device, client and server.
• nmap — programs for network discovery and security auditing
• ntp — Network Time Protocol
• Nwipe — run the DBAN dwipe command outside of DBAN
• Open-iSCSI — Open-iSCSI project is a high performance, transport independent, multi-platform implementation of RFC3720
• openSSH — encrypt sessions using the SSH protocol
• openSSL — open source implementation of the SSL and TLS protocols
• partclone — a project similar to the well-known backup utility
• partclone-utils — partclone-utils contains a utility for use with partclone generated images
• partimage — utility which saves partitions to an image file
• perl — a highly capable, feature-rich programming language
• PhotoRec — digital photo recovery
• pigz — parallel implementation of gzip that exploits multiple processors & cores
• plzip — parallel lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm
• polkit — a toolkit for handling the policy that allows unprivileged processes to speak to privileged processes
• pv (pipe viewer) — monitors the progress of data through a pipeline
• pxz — a compression utility that runs LZMA compression of different parts of an input file on multiple processors simultaneously
• rdiff-backup — rdiff-backup backs up one directory to another, possibly over a network
• reglookup — direct analysis of Windows NT-based registry files
• RP-PPPoE — PPPoE client for Linux to connect to PPPoE service providers
• rsync — fast incremental file transfer
• rTorrent — text-based ncurses BitTorrent client
• safecopy — data recovery tool
• samba — the standard Windows interoperability suite of programs for Linux and Unix
• Scrounge NTFS — data recovery program for NTFS
• sdparm — outputs and modifies SCSI device parameters
• shorewall — a gateway / firewall configuration tool for GNU / Linux
• shred — securely delete a file
• smartctl — control and monitor utility for SMART disks
• stress — simple workload generator
• sudo — execute a command as another user
• TestDisk — partition scanner and disk recovery tool
• udevil — a program that mounts and unmounts devices without a password, shows device info, and monitors device changes
• udisks — a daemon that serves as an interface to system block devices, implemented via D-Bus
• UDPcast — transfer tool that can multicast data on a LAN
• unarj — program used to uncompress. arj format archives
• wpa_supplicant — implementation of an IEEE 802.11i supplicant
• wipe — secure, file wiping utility
• zenmap — the official Nmap Security Scanner GUI
• zerofree — Zerofree finds the unallocated, non-zeroed blocks in an ext2 or ext3 file-system and fills

Parted Magic 2016.03.02

Список изменений — Parted Magic 2016_03_02

Mon Feb 29 18:35:17 UTC 2016
btrfs-progs/btrfs-progs-v4.4.1-i586-1.txz: Upgraded.
x/xf86-video-qxl/xf86-video-qxl-0.1.0-i486-1_pmagic.txz: Added.
— Use the QXL entry in the “Extras” boot menu to enable this.
Mon Feb 22 14:48:38 UTC 2016
dvdisaster/dvdisaster-0.79.5-i486-1_pmagic.txz: Added.
libfm/libfm-1.2.4-i486-1_pmagic.txz: Upgraded.
pcmanfm/pcmanfm-1.2.4-i486-1_pmagic.txz: Upgraded.
x/xf86-video-amdgpu/xf86-video-amdgpu-1.0.1-i486-1_pmagic.txz: Upgraded.
libs64/libs64-2.22-x86_64_2pm.txz: Upgraded.
Thu Feb 18 18:12:11 UTC 2016
linux/linux-4.4.2: Upgraded.
— Added a new Failsafe option to work around a refresh rate too high for display error.
Wed Feb 17 15:46:09 UTC 2016
fatresize/fatresize_1.0.2-9_i386.deb: Added.
wimlib/wimlib-1.9.0-i486-1_pmagic.txz: Upgraded.
veracrypt/veracrypt-1.17-setup.tar.bz2: Upgraded.
— The Clonzilla update has been well tested by Steven Shiau and I. It should be 100% functional. :^)
Thu Feb 11 16:12:15 UTC 2016
clonezilla/clonezilla-3.19.17-noarch-1_pmagic.txz: Upgraded.
drbl/drbl-2.18.12-noarch-1_pmagic.txz: Upgraded.
scalpel/scalpel-master.tar.gz: Added.
tre/tre-0.8.0-i486-2_pmagic.txz: Added.
Fri Feb 5 15:50:16 UTC 2016
linux/linux-4.4.1: Upgraded.
kernel-firmware/kernel-firmware-20160205git-noarch-1.txz: Upgraded.
qemu-tools/qemu-tools-2.5.0-i586-1pm.txz: Added.
Sat Jan 30 00:05:27 UTC 2016
ddrescue-gui/ddrescue-gui_1.5pmagic-0ubuntu1-ppa1.tar.gz: Upgraded.
Thu Jan 28 17:41:25 UTC 2016
coreutils/coreutils-8.25-i586-1_pmagic.txz: Upgraded.
testdisk/testdisk-7.1-WIP-i486-4_pmagic.txz: Upgraded.
Fri Jan 22 16:38:13 UTC 2016
— Added mdadm=no cheat code.
— Added a “Show All Devices” button to the “This routine can only run for disks supporting the Security Mode feature set.” dialog in the Secure Erase program.
Mon Jan 18 20:32:43 UTC 2016
gparted/gparted-0.25.0-i486-1_pmagic.txz: Upgraded.
gparted-bad-sectors/gparted-badsectors-0.25.0-i486-1_pmagic.txz: Upgraded.
Fri Jan 15 18:34:50 UTC 2016
msed/msed_LINUX.tgz: Added.
asoundrc/asoundrc-1.0-noarch-3pm.txz: Rebuilt.
Wed Jan 13 21:19:45 UTC 2016
linux/linux-4.4.0: Upgraded.
Fri Jan 8 16:50:25 UTC 2016
xf86-video-intel/xf86-video-intel-git_20160108-i486-1_pmagic.txz: Upgraded.

Parted Magic 2016.03.02

Parted Magic 2016.03.02

Parted Magic 2016.03.02

Контрольные суммы:
CRC32: 8F90C248
MD5: 149302C1B0F980370BDC0E0446F75A20
SHA-1: 91C8ABDC2D3257914B4C3EAEED5773DA3F72755B

Информация о программе:
Дата: 2016.03.02
Язык интерфейса: English
Системные требования:
PartedMagic requires at least a 586 processor with 1GB of RAM. 512MB in Live mode. Compatible with Secure Boot Windows 8 machines. Runs well on Intel Macs.
Размер файла: 498 МБ

Скачать Parted Magic 2016.03.02

Категория: Оптимизация системы | Добавил: vital | Теги: управления, дисков, возможности, удаление, работать, также, Parted, работы, кроме, жестких
Просмотров: 192 | Загрузок: 0 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всего комментариев: 0
Добавлять комментарии могут только зарегистрированные пользователи.
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